Franklin, North Carolina

United Methodist Church

We are a Community of Grace 
seeking to Transform Hearts and Lives 
Through Christ’s Love in Action

Adult Sunday School at 10 a.m. —- Worship Service begins at 11:15 a.m.

4668 Old Murphy Road, Franklin, North Carolina; 828-712-1370

Visit our FaceBook page for specifics dates, times and locations of service opportunities, gatherings, and events.

Worship Service

Come as you are! Everyone is invited to worship at Memorial UMC!

We are a prayerful and active community and we welcome you to God’s church.

We generally gather prior to service to greet one another and prepare for worship. Our worship service is traditional, singing traditional and contemporary music. Worship service begins at 11:15 a.m.

What is a United Methodist?

The United Methodist Church is a worldwide denomination that opens hearts, opens minds and opens doors through active engagement with our world. The mission of The United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Explore Memorial UMC in Franklin, NC

Our community is engaged in a number of activities to build disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Visit our FaceBook page for more information.